Friday, 12 February 2016

A mountain is made of grains of sand

The above advertisement is a good example of what happens when we stop questioning how we unconsciously condition society. We talk of advancement but in reality socially changes little. Of how small phrases and dogmatic repetition, especially to the young, make the world we live in. A point I will come back to strongly in the next post I publish...

So directly with reference to the whole title of my blog “Thought's on programming gender roles in modern society” I point you at another good article by Kasey Edwards on Sexist Parenting. It describes how we are subtly programmed from an early age. Programmed by small instructional social code which embeds itself creating the deeper program path we almost blindly follow in later life.

“It feeds into a broader system that disadvantages and devalues women and squeezes men into a suffocating mould of masculinity.”

In a more graphical post than usual and because of my net bound search for gender stereotyping imagery, here is another wonderful ridiculous piece of advertising to chew on...

But finally, I'll leave you with what I believe should be the main point of both Kesey's article and my blog, in the hope of a better future future for all...

Think before you speak to everyone, but especially to children for they are the grains of sand upon which the mountain that is our world, is made.